Ecological Societies for All

ECO Villages

Change is upon us… What can the future hold?

Our ECO Villages will be a hub of outreach efforts including connecting local farms, businesses, and governments to assist in solving the many compounding problems affecting daily lives.

Food insecurity, homelessness, and more can all be addressed by funding this innovative society. Imagine your ideal world, and that we can create these possibilities for everyone!

Are you ready?

Phase 1

Fundraise + Locate/Acquire Land

We must first raise enough money to purchase land.
Any left over money will be used in the development & maintenance of the land and associated homes.
The more we raise, the more land we can preserve & steward.
An ideal location is somewhere well-connected for urban, suburban, and rural travel routes to better enable plans for shared transportation.

Phase 2

Purchase Equipment & Materials + Plan Land Management

Calculate resource capabilities and costs to consider living space sizes and areas, work requirements, and more.

Phase 3


Implement plans to build initial essential buildings. Assess resources available for buildings in Phase 4.


Our First ECO Village

This dream project can help communities & our future become more sustainable, happy, & healthy. We are bio-neering a new way of life!

Everyone has gifts to contribute.

Whether you’ve been living the zero waste lifestyle for years, or are still throwing out your dogs poo with plastic bags, no shame here! We want to make it easy for everyone to be able to live a healthy, happy, fulfilling, and sustainable life in comfortable, healthy, and eco-friendly accommodations.


With PayPal

Each village & its success will help to grow more around the world!

Increase local food availability almost anywhere, improve socio-economic conditions for residents thus improving quality of life, among other benefits. Live with nature while supporting city sustainability.

Plans developed thanks to experts in land surveying, psychology, modern green techniques and technologies, along with traditional wisdoms of various indigenous cultures, whom will certainly benefit from these eco villages as well. #LandBack

Who really owns land? It’s a funny thing, to “own” part of this limited Earth we all inhabit.

Initially dreamed up by Sam, she will retain managerial oversight to ensure success. Many people have expressed interest in collaborating over the years of discussing this endeavor through various networking efforts. Our team now consists of experts that have backgrounds in Landscape Architecture, Sustainable and Regenerative Practices like permaculture, citizen scientists making big waves, and more.

Now that our core team and initial plans are assembled, we must acquire land. Then, our team will custom-fit our village plans to best suit the land acquired. Depending on the success of the fundraiser, our first village could be anywhere from 5 acres to 100 and beyond! The possibilities are endless, only limited by available funds and interested opportunists.

Information coming soon! We will share various opportunities as available across our channels. We hope to have space, opportunities, and offerings for as many as possible.

Contact with any questions or for help to create your own.

Please help fund this eco community!

More About Community

The rogue capitalist ways, including those not evolved since the industrial era, are no longer serving us. In fact, they’re making us sick while companies profit from technological advances and tax cuts, while regular people without assets are homeless and many homes around the world sit vacant.

The correlations with our mental health are no surprise. We don’t need industrial factory farms that harm animals and our shared environments. We can reduce systemic food waste and localize resource consumption, while outsourcing for mutually beneficial trades. Enjoy the benefits of eating from a garden, though you may be experienced in administrative work.

This is the tech meets living standard boom we’ve all been waiting for! It’s time to use all of the knowledge and resources we share on our planet for common good without depleting each year’s “bank” [Earth Overshoot Day].

Notes & Solutions for Cities


Want to learn more about housing in North America?
Check out this video!

What is your favorite food & drink’s water footprint?
Depending on farming practices, coffee can use 10X more water to produce than tea (~1056 vs 108 gallons, respectively)! “Broccoli at a scant 34 gal./lb., along with cauliflower and brussels sprouts. Asparagus is the water hog of the veggies, requiring 258 gallons of water per pound.”HuffPost

Solution(s) to reduce resource consumption?
Consume more local goods! Not available? Produce more local goods – we can work together to make it so! A great common ground starting place would be a food garden or bulk market. Contact us for assistance at any step of the way to assess your community’s skills, wants, and needs!

Fun Fact

Animal Agriculture – Cow Farming

While it is true that cows emit methane into the air through their gastrointestinal process, what is not accurate is the data collection method used to determine this environmental impact.  Most studies collected data from factory-style farms where hundreds if not thousands of cattle are kept in confinement. The cows are not grazing on the land, benefiting the soils, and allowing the environment to thrive in those situations, so naturally the toxic methane levels are having a negative impact.  However, when allowed to rotate on pasture and keep the grasses managed, fertilized, and deep rooted, pasture raised cattle are helping reverse climate change and sequester carbon into mineral rich soils.

Hickory Nut Gap Farm in Asheville, NC – where they use biodynamic practices effectively

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