Haven Healing Center
Communications + Graphic Designs + Website Editing
An uplifting space to receive a cutting edge approach to spinal healing

Their center is more than just a chiropractic office. It’s a haven for those who have lost hope or are looking to transform their lives and reach their greatest expression of youth and vitality.
Dr. Alaina completed extensive training and certifications in spinal bio-mechanics and corrective chiropractic care. Within the field, chiropractic biophysics is the leader of evidence-based practices. This proves the center with the tools necessary to provide predictable and lasting change for patients.
To learn more about corrective biophysics, visit their website
- Business assistance & development
- Contacted leads, current, and past patients
- Created a new email newsletter template in Constant Contact
- Graphic Designs: Updated business cards and created other items per request
- LinkedIn: Published page for the business to facilitate connections with business professionals such as office workers with tendencies for compromised postures
- Website Editing: Despite Wix’s padding heavy builder, I cleaned up some of her website with newer photos, better text layouts, and more – here’s the before and after (currently live). Despite not maintaining her website over the years, the work done made it more functional, which seemed to have lasting benefits for them.